What People Are Saying
Steph is an absolutely amazing guide and coach. I was having a lot of trouble not only as a caregiver but also as a person who didn’t understand why I was so stressed, and Steph was able to help me both in my duties and with my emotional difficulties. I would have cracked under the strain without their guidance. I highly recommend Steph to anyone who needs even a little support or outside opinion. Years of knowledge and experience + genuine kindness and understanding = a very, very helpful and wonderful person!
–Sam P
Legal assistant and caregiver
Hi Stephanie,
I ordered, and then received today, Volume 1 of The Cancer Chronicles. I opened the book to begin perusing it, and instead read it straight through, literally cover to cover.
You are a remarkable person. You ability to express your feelings in words and art is a gift that I am sure will benefit many others. I know there will be many who are anticipating Volume 2.
Congratulations on this milestone accomplishment!
May you go from success to success.
Stephanie helped my family with the decision to move our mother from her home of 50 years to assisted living. She exhibited true compassion while giving us a realistic perspective on what we were going through. She helped us to take into consideration our mothers shifting mental state while we gently took a larger role in decisions about her. Stephanie checked in after our move and was open to consultation throughout the process.
Daughter and teacher